Detroit (313) 385-3703


October Newsletter 2021

Message from the Founder Nothing Personal So, some papers we serve, need to be served personally. While others can be substituted, when and why? Your papers were posted – are you asking yourself, “Is this good service?” Let’s dive into this a tad further, shall we? Personal Service: Serving documents that originated in FL, see below Statutes that govern when personal service is required. 48.051 Service on state prisoners.—Process against a state prisoner shall be served on the prisoner. 63.088(3) LOCATION

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The Common Mistakes a Process Server Can Make

Knowing the rules surrounding process servers in Michigan is essential to serve process in compliance with state laws. Even minor mistakes can have devastating consequences for your court case, including grounds for dismissal. Avoiding mistakes in the service of process saves your firm time, money, and keeps your clients happy. The most common mistakes made by process servers include: Not serving the correct person You must always be sure the correct person is served, in-person, for service of process to

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September Newsletter 2021

Message from the Founder Legislature Changes & Technological Advancements in Florida In June 2019, Florida House Bill 91 was signed, sealed and delivered. One of the major changes in this Bill was the fact that process servers could now electronically sign their Returns of Service. This was a HUGE development. Prior to the signing of this Bill, only the Sheriff was allowed to electronically sign Returns, not private process servers (PPS). Once this Bill was signed into effect, our software programmer went

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FAQs About Process Servers

What is the service of process? Service of process is the act of officially delivering court-related documents, known as process, to parties named in the case. This includes defendants, witnesses, subject matter experts, etc. Defendants are typically served with a summons and complaint, while witnesses and experts will receive a subpoena. What is a process server? A process server is an expert trained to deliver legal process to its intended recipient. Process servers receive assignments from both attorneys and individuals.

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August Newsletter 2021

Message from the Founder Founder’s Message Back to School Special As a dad of 3, I know the most important role I play is that of father. Trust me, being your process server is a pretty close second. It’s August, a month I truly adore, a month to celebrate the birthday of my wife and also the month our first born arrived in this world. August also is generally the month that all children go back to school (granted I know some states

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Can a Document Retrieval Company Help My Law Firm?

Using a professional document retrieval company is a great way to free up your firm’s time for strategizing and case review. Delegating document retrieval quickly gets you the information you need while simultaneously reducing case expenses, saving time and your client’s money. Your time is best spent preparing for hearings or trials, not filling out form requisitions, or dealing with bureaucratic red tape. Join the legal professionals all over Detroit that have learned the time and cost-saving freedom of using

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Avoid These Things When Serving Divorce Papers

Serving divorce papers is never a fun task. Emotions run high in these situations, and the recipient of a summons to court for divorce proceedings may be so upset that they project their anger on the messenger, which in this case is you. Mitigate the risks of serving an angry husband or wife by avoiding these things: Aggressive tone or body language When serving papers for adversarial proceedings, it is always best to approach the target calmly and in a

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July Newsletter 2021

Message from the Founder Founder’s Message Are We There Yet? Well, half way there. That is, half way through 2021. Wow, where did the year go? Is it because everyone is keeping themselves busy now w/ the ease of covid restrictions? The old adage states, time flies when you are having fun, right? You know what I find fun? Work. Honestly, when I work, I just go into calm mode, like meditation state. When I don’t work, my anxiety builds about

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The Risk Process Servers Face

Process servers perform a necessary job for the efficient functioning of our criminal and civil justice systems. Without reliable service of process, we could not prove that parties in legal cases are notified to appear or produce evidence, effectively bringing the entire court system to a halt. However, not everyone appreciates the service process servers provide. Persons being served are often unwilling to receive the paperwork and react inappropriately. While watching people on Youtube freak out after being served can

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May Newsletter 2021

Message from the Founder Founder’s Message The Light at the End of the Tunnel It has been some time since I have addressed the Covid-19 pandemic but here we go again. So, in the past week the CDC has updated their guidelines in regards to people who have been fully vaccinated. Some highlights are below: No more masks indoors or outdoors (but still recommended if you are in packed areas like on a plane, train or bus (did you think I

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