(313) 385-3703

4 Signs of a Process Serving Scam

If you are an attorney or individual who has filed a civil case in Detroit, your next step is to make sure that the defendants and witnesses named in your case are properly served with the case documents, including a court summons. 

Michigan Process Server Requirements

Here in Michigan, there is no official process server certification program or policy. Instead, Michigan has established just two requirements for anyone serving process in the state. Any process server in Michigan must: Continue reading

How to Find Success as a Process Server

If you’re just getting started as a process server, you’re probably wondering the best ways to boost your workload and become successful as a server. Well, you’ve come to the right place! Here at Accurate Serve® of Detroit, we know all about finding success as a process server. In this post, we’ll go over our top tips for getting started in this industry.

Be Prepared

Preparation is essential for any process server. You need to know everything about the person you’re trying to serve before you ever set one foot out of your office. This involves a combination of traditional and online research, delving into every nook and cranny of your network and the internet to gather as much information as possible. When you prepare properly before attempting service, you’re not wasting your time chasing a target around and have time to pick up even more cases. Continue reading

What Rules Do Process Servers Have to Follow?

Michigan is one of many states that doesn’t have a certification or licensing program requirement for process servers. Instead, anyone over the age of 18 who is competent and is not named in the court proceedings may serve process in Michigan. However, just because the rules about who can be a process server aren’t very strict doesn’t mean that process servers here can just do whatever they want. There are still rules that Michigan process servers must follow. In this post, we’ll review the most common rules that apply to process servers in Michigan.

Process Servers Must Be Ethical

All process servers are expected to behave ethically, regardless of their location or local laws. Ethical behavior includes not lying, not wearing disguises, not using fake social media accounts, or any other behavior that would be seen as questionable. While process servers do have to be creative sometimes to get the job done, being dishonest is never acceptable. In fact, it can get an entire case dismissed based on improper service Continue reading

Things Process Servers Can Do to Get Someone to Answer Their Door

Is a process server looking for you as the result of a court case or lawsuit? Are you wondering what a process server may do to locate and serve you? We’ll go through what a process server is, some of the most popular techniques they use to find their target, and what isn’t allowed in this post.

What Does a Process Server Do?

A process server is an individual who delivers legal papers to someone else, usually through personal delivery or mail. If possible, the process server should try to deliver the document in person. The process server may seek permission to serve the recipient by alternative methods if the recipient is unable to be reached after many attempts. Continue reading

Legally, Can Process Servers Lie?

Process servers are people who deliver legal paperwork to those accused or involved in a court case. When delivering process, they must adhere to strict rules that prohibit fabricating their identity or the purpose of their visit, impersonating someone else, or using gimmicks. While process servers are not permitted to break the law while carrying out their responsibilities, they sometimes must think outside the box to get the job done.

Process Servers Cannot Lie While Working

A process server must honestly state who they are and why they’re visiting the person to be served. This implies that process servers cannot pretend to be someone else, such as a police officer or a friend of the individual being served. Wearing disguises is also frowned upon. Continue reading

Are Process Servers Essential in the Legal Process

Have you heard of process servers before but don’t really understand what they do? Don’t worry, that’s how a lot of people feel. The only experience most of us have with process servers is through the movies, where they are depicted as disguise-wearing tricksters that lie, cheat, and steal to gain access to their intended target. In real life, the job is a little less adventurous.

Functions of a Process Server

A process server simply delivers court case paperwork to an intended recipient. This delivery is typically in person, but can sometimes be via mail, online, or other means. The court case paperwork that process servers deliver includes: Continue reading

Important Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Process Server

Before you ever file your civil case in a Michigan court, you need to be thinking about how you’re going to find a reputable process server to serve the defendants and witnesses. Now, you could just go ahead and save yourself some time by making a call to Accurate Serve®, Detroit’s premier process service agency. Our servers meet the strictest standards, so you’ll never worry about improper service derailing your case. Call us at (313) 385-3703 or send us your service requests online to get started today.

Even if you hire one of our talented, competent servers for your process needs, you should always ask the following questions: Continue reading

April Newsletter 2022

Message from the Founder

We have great news in the process serving world in regards to service of process originating from the great state of Michigan.  The Governor signed Senate Bill 244 into law on March 23, 2022.  The law will go into effect 180 days from that date, so September 20, 2022.

What does the Bill say and what changes will take place? The main change in this Bill is the change of the current requirement of needing Affidavits of Service to only requiring a written Statement of Service, or a Return of Service that does not need to be notarized. A Return of Service is without notary and an Affidavit of Service has a notary block on it.

If you are an Attorney in Michigan, this article is a Heads Up for you. If you start seeing Returns of Service for MI cases now, that is not good. But, if you start seeing them closer to the end of the year, just know that it is proper at that point (after 9-20-22).

The entire Bill is attached for your viewing pleasure.

Beau Charlet

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Bring on the sunshine! Spring is here and as it does every year it brings a change of seasons. Out with the old and in with the new for 2022! This year Accurate Serve® Plantation has a big change to share as well. There has been a change in ownership and management for the Plantation office. Moving forward, when you reach out to our Plantation office you will be greeted by myself and my team. I personally have over 8 years of experience in the industry and operating Accurate Serve® Offices. My team oversees offices throughout Fort Myers, Port St. Lucie, Dallas and Houston and I am excited to extend our customer services into the Miami area.

There will be no changes to the way that you send us work. You can email the documents for service to serve@accurateserveplantation.com or submit the work through our websites ‘send work’ tab here www.accurateserveplantation.com/sendwork

What you can expect moving forward is, friendly and professional customer service, timely responses to emails/phone calls and updates on jobs. Quick turnaround on signed returns/affidavits.

Accurate Serve® Plantation is revamped for the 2022 year and I am excited to work with our current and new clients down the road. My office is here for any of your processing serving needs, no matter the location of service you can email us the documents. My team will always confirm receipt of your emails and we will keep you updated on our progress for each job.

If you are a current customer, THANK YOU! Your business is greatly appreciated and I have enjoyed meeting you through phone and email conversations. If you have used our services in the past, please contact us the next time you are in need of service in order to meet our new team. I look forward to assisting Attorneys and Paralegals alike with your process serving needs and earning your business.

Thank you,

Brandon Muscato
Need our help?
Call (954) 770-9997

Email serve@accurateserveplantation.com

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Did you know that FL courts started e-filing on 4-1-13?  That was close to 9 years ago. Before e-filing, we would walk stacks of cases into the Clerk’s office and let them stamp and file everything with hard copies. Those sure were different times.
Word of the Month: Intersperse – to insert or place at intervals
3/13 – Daylight Savings Time
3/17 – Happy St. Patricks Day!
3/20 – First Day of Spring
Office Anniversaries
Tampa, FL
February 2022 Job Statistics

February 2022 Job Count – 4,045
Average Number of Days from Receiving Paper to Paper Being Served* – 6.04

*This includes jobs that may be on hold or waiting for new info. There is no way to take those jobs out of the calculation. So, if a job is placed on hold for 2 weeks, that’s 14 days on that job which factors in to this average. So, we’re even better than what the eyes see, LOL. Some papers get served same day, some next day and some take multiple attempts/addresses to effect service. All we do all day and every day is serve papers. We’re good at it and we love what we do. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to continue to serve your papers.

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Copyright © 2022 Accurate Serve, All rights reserved.

Common Questions About Process Servers

What is process?

Process is paperwork related to a court case that should be served to the defendant(s) named in the case. Process typically includes summons, complaints, and subpoenas, but it can be almost anything.

What is a process server?

A process server is simply a person who is trained and authorized to deliver the court case process to its intended recipient. The recipient is usually a defendant, but can also be a witness, subject matter expert, or someone else. Continue reading